A Reddit post has gained viral attention for pointing out a glaring mistake in an episode of the hit TV show Friends. The error can be seen in Season 8's "The One with Rachel's Date," where Monica and Phoebe are sitting on the Central Perk couch.
In one scene, Courteney Cox, who plays Monica, is replaced by a stand-in actor, causing Phoebe, played by Lisa Kudrow, to appear to be talking to a completely different person.
The original TV format had a 4:3 aspect ratio, which did not show the stand-in actor. However, when the aspect ratio was remastered to 16:9 for widescreen viewing, the stand-in became visible, revealing the error. This explanation could also account for a similar error in Season 9's "The One with the Mugging," where Jennifer Aniston's character, Rachel, is clearly replaced by a stand-in actor who is not wearing the same outfit.
One continuity error involving Joey Tribbiani in Season 1 has been criticized for "ruining the character." Additionally, a mistake in Season 7 regarding Rachel Green's sailing history has also been circulating. Even after almost two decades since the airing of its final episode, Friends still captures the attention of its dedicated fans who are always on the lookout for any hidden mistakes or inconsistencies in the beloved show.